Citra’s dead, too.
Late last week, Nintendo filed a lawsuit against Tropic Haze LLC, the creators of the very popular Nintendo Switch Emulator Yuzu. Today, it seems, Tropic Haze has decided to settle out of court. And in doing so, will pay the Big N a whopping $2.4 million in damages as part of a mutual agreement between the two parties.
This news comes from OatmealDome on Xitter.
In addition to the$2.4 million settlement, all development on Yuzu will cease, the site and related services will be taken down, and Tropic Haze will cease all distribution of the emulator in built and source code form.
The team behind Yuzu has also issued a statement on the matter:

Oh, and since it’s also owned by the same company, the same goes for the 3DS emulator, Citra. It is dead, and so are all related links, as well as any further development.
In short, if you like running Nintendo games on hardware with specs many times Nintendo’s consoles, well… you’re having a really bad year right now.
It was extremely unlikely that this case was ever going to see the inside of a courtroom (which may, in itself, be something of a blessing). Lawsuits like this are, after all, settled out of court all the time. Still, it’s a crippling blow to the community, and as you might guess, nobody’s happy about it.
Well, no one except Nintendo, that is.