Yrel and Alterac Pass Battleground Headed to Heroes of the Storm

Heroes of the Storm

For the Alliance! Or the Horde, whatever, I’m not the boss of you.

Blizzard had been teasing a hero reveal and new battleground for Heroes of the Storm for about a weekAnd today, that finally payed off. Because they’ve announced Yrel and Alterac Pass.

First up is Yrel, the Dranei Paladin. And the best part is, she isn’t another Warcraft Assassin, like 17 out of the current 33 assassin class characters are.

She’s a Melee Warrior with a number of damaging and support moves in her kit. Take a look:

[D] Trait [Divine Purpose] – Directly interacts with her basic abilities. When activated, her next basic ability can be cast instantly at maximum charge at no Mana cost.

[Q] Vindication – After channeling, she releases an explosion of light that damages enemies while healing herself.

[W] Righteous Hammer – Yrel swings the hammer of the Naaru, damaging enemies and knocking them away. The longer she charges, the more damage and knockback distance increase increase. Enemies hit at full strength are stunned for a short period on top of its other effects.

[E] Avenging Wrath – Upon activation, Yrel leaps through the air and upon landing, she slows and damages enemies in the impact area.

Heroic Abilities

[R1] Ardent Defender – Upon activation, a barrier surrounds her that absorbs incoming attacks, mitigating all damage taken for a percentage of the damage dealt. It can be cast while Yrel is channeling her basic abilities.

[R2] Sacred Ground – Purifies the portion of the battleground around Yrel, granting her a large amount of Armor while she remains in the area. The effect benefits Yrel and has no time duration. Instead, it persists until Yrel, or someone forces her out.

After traveling to an Alternate Draenor, the forces of Azeroth saved the acolyte Yrel from the Iron Horde. With their aid, she rose to the rank of Exarch and fought back the demonic invasion of her world. Now, she finds herself where time, space, and dimensions converge: the Nexus.

Also soon to come is the new battleground, Alterac Pass. It features a number of unique features that ought to shake things up quite a bit. Having just the faction leaders as Core replacements alone makes it stand out. But it also seems to be a very strategic map overall. Which is going to make idiot teammates that don’t push the objective even more infuriating.

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Still, I can’t say I’m not disappointed. There were suspicions of a Sombra hack at some point, though I suppose they can still do that in the future to troll the crap out of everyone. Either way, new non-Assassin characters in Heroes of the Storm is a welcome sight.

Source: Icy Veins

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