YouTube TV Now Costs Almost $1000/Year After Latest Price Hike

YouTube TV

Remind me: what was the point of cutting the cord again?

Grass grows, birds fly, and price hikes for streaming platforms are as certain as death and taxes. And so certain too, is the new cost of a YouTube TV subscription.

Google announced a $10 monthly increase in the cost of YouTube TV, taking a subscription from $72.99 to $82.99 per month. for point of refer3ence, that takes the yearly cost of a subscription from ~$876 to $995. Reminder that, when it launched 7 years ago, it was $34.99/month. Naturally, Google cites “the rising cost of content” as the reason for the increase.

I’ll just take this moment to point out that they don’t make any original content anymore.

These changes go into effect on January 13th for existing users, and are currently in effect for new users. If you have paused your subscription, you’ll be charged the new price upon resuming your subscription.

From an email YouTube TV sent to subscribers:

Streaming was a pretty good deal when it was only one company. But now, it’s about the same cost as cable, except you can’t watch anything when your internet is down and it chews up your bandwidth if you’re on a metered connection. The cost comparison is not beneath the notice of people in general.

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YouTube TV is not alone in this. All of these streaming platforms have raised prices in the past 5 years. And they’ll keep doing it, too. They need the dough.

Source: IGN

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