YouTube Testing New “3 Strikes” Ad Blocker Policy


I’m sure it will be implemented just as carefully as video moderation.

YouTube is currently in the process of testing out a new policy in regards to users with ad blockers. Under the new policy, users have 3 strikes before the video player gets blocked.

Some users already report seeing the screen below, which also provides buttons to whitelist YouTube or purchase YouTube Premium, which itself removes ads for subscribers.

Source: Android Headlines

To be fair, this isn’t new. They’ve been testing it for the past couple of months, actually. But things have been getting worse in regards to ad revenue over the course of this year, so it’s not much of a surprise that Google is increasing the breadth of these tests.

The flipside is that many advertisers, and by extension YouTube itself, really want ads to be unskippable. Which becomes a sticking point for the end user when those ads are longer than 15-30 seconds each. Considering ads weren’t always skippable, and I remember trying to watch a sub-10-minute video with an unskippable 2-and-a-half-hour ad for some guy’s airsoft customization business, I can sense the issues beginning to boil.

So it’s probably a matter of time until YouTube fully implements this system. And that’s going to be the point where things really begin to pop off with the userbase.

READ:  YouTube Axes YouTube Originals

Source: Android Headlines

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