You’re a penis trying to poke the butts of other wieners in ‘Genital Jousting’

One of the most interesting things that we got to experience at E3 2016 wasn’t on the show floor, rather across the street at the Devolver Digital area. Right there in the middle was a game hooked up with no explanation and what we found was pretty… wild.

Genital Jousting is a game, that as far as we could tell at the time, was about being a penis and trying to stick yourself into the butt of your opponents ding-dong.

Yup, it was as weird as it sounds and brought quite the crowd around us as we got our digital dongs wagging. Well, Genital Jousting is now on Steam Early Access and it’s even more penisy than before.

You can get in on the fun over on Steam Early Access (, and will cost you a paltry $4.99.

If you want some fun, I suggest you whip this one out with some friends after a night of drinking. Dicks out for Genital jousting!

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