Your First Look At Mark Hamill In Star Citizen Squadron 42

Star Citizen Squadron 42

During the third anniversary Star Citizen livestream, series creator Chris Roberts was in house to give viewers their first look at Mark Hamill in the game.

Mr. Skywalker is of course best known for his role as the Jedi Master and as the Joker in the many animated and game appearances, but he is also well know to old-school gamers for his lead in the Wing Commander series. This time around Hamill plays a pilot on the frigate Stanton, a ship best known for being hard on new recruits. His job is to train new pilots and looks to serve as a sort of hard-edged mentor figure within the game.

We also know that Gary Oldman has a major role in the game playing Admiral Bishop.

Check it out below:

You can also see he interview for the game below:

Via: (Polygon)

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