You can now reserve your free copy of Windows 10

Windows 10

If you are like me, you may have noticed a new little icon in your Windows System Icons bar in the lower right of your screen. This little Windows logo isn’t anything to worry over, instead it’s Microsoft reminding you to snag your free copy of Windows 10. Users that are currently running Windows 7 (that’s me), Windows 8, and 8.1 can now click on the icon and reserve your copy of Windows 10 that drops this summer. All you need to do is input your email address and Microsoft will automatically download Windows 10 when it becomes available.

Windows 10
“Get Windows 10” Icon
Windows 10
Let’s hope all my programs work!

Windows Phone 8.1 users will also get a notification, but the mobile version of Windows 10 won’t release until sometime after this summer. In case you were wondering on the size of this download, Windows 10 says it will only require 3 Gigs of free hard-drive space. Oh, and if you were wondering if Windows 10 is really”FREE,” Microsoft made the following statement:

Yes, free! This upgrade offer is for a full version of Windows 10, not a trial. 3GB download required; standard data rates apply. To take advantage of this free offer, you must upgrade to Windows 10 within one year of availability. Once you upgrade, you have Windows 10 for free on that device.

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