You Can Now Get A Laughing He-Man Figure


Adam:  Hey STUD!
Adam:  LOL j/k
Duncan:  Hey
Adam:  What’s going on??
Adam:  😉
Duncan:  Not much. brb.

As we all know, in He-Man and the Master of the Universe, fabulous secret powers were revealed to Prince Adam of Eternia the day he held aloft his magic sword and said, “By the power of Greyskull, I HAVE THE POWER!”. And then we had 130 episodes of what would become fairly typical of 80’s toy commercials cartoons. And the whole thing is fondly remembered by people who were little kids at the time, like Ashens.

And, for the most part, you didn’t get any He-Man figures when there wasn’t a show on about them. Which meant that, aside from the early-2000’s reboot, you didn’t get much in the way of merch, doubly so if you wanted the classic stuff to be represented. But now, a variety of manufacturers realize that nostalgia is a hell of a drug, and they make stuff you want, now. As such, Super7 has a line of retro He-Man figures under their ReAction brand (which coincidentally, Ashens just did a video on for the Alien figures). And, as you do, they have a few that are SDCC 2018 exclusives.

And it’s mostly the kind of things you’d expect. A couple of She-Ra figures that are “exclusive variants”, a couple mini collectibles, the same with the He-Man ones. But with one glorious exception: Laughing Prince Adam.

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SDCC attendees don’t have to let their memes be dreams, anymore. You might know the particular face he’s making if you watched He-Man back in the day. But chances are, you’re probably more familiar with the face and pose from a clip taken from a joke video made back when video on the internet was a novelty and YouTube wasn’t even a thing. A clip featuring He-Man characters singing a 4 Non-Blondes song.

It’s time for your daily dose.

The figure is in scale with the rest of the ReAction He-Man and the Masters of the Universe line, but that’s not all. The backing card also simulates the sparkly rainbow behind our festive prince in the He-Man Sings video. Sadly, since it’s an SDCC exclusive, Laughing Prince Adam is only available at Super7’s pop up just outside the con on 8th Avenue in San Diego. Of course, if you can’t actually make it, I’m sure scalpers on eBay will be selling them for a huge markup. But it’ll be worth it.

Source: iO9

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