You can get Halo Infinite’s Canceled Co-Op Split Screen Working Via Exploit

Halo Infinite

John Halo, meet your new friend John Halo.

It would be fair to say that Halo Infinite, the most recent of 343 Industries Halo games, has managed to disappoint. Especially as a live service game. Chief among the broken promises was split-screen co-op; you know, that thing that most Halo games have had since Halo 2. Hell, even Muta talked about how crap that is.

As it turns out, maybe that splitscreen isn’t as dead as they’d lead you to believe. There have been videos floating around Twitter showing users how to exploit a glitch to get that sweet, sweet splitscreen running. The discovery was initially made by @Zeny_IC, and actually works on Xbox Series X as well as Xbox One, though the Xbox One might have a few more issues.

Granted, at least with two players, there are a few visual glitches. Mostly low res textures and things not staying totally in sync, like the time of in-game day. But enemy AI and cutscenes work as they’re supposed to. It remains to be seen if adding more players makes things worse. But it does work.

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The steps you need to take for the exploit:

  1. Go to the campaign menu and load a save
  2. Click on “Play” and get ready to quickly go to your online friends list
  3. As soon as “Loading Map” appears, go to your online friends list and join a friend who’s idling in the menus
  4. At that point, leave the Fireteam
  5. In the Custom Lobby, under Server, select “Offline”
  6. You can now connect your other controllers and profiles
  7. Click “Play”
  8. ???
  9. Profit

So, crack open a cold one with the boys, and get your shoot bang on.

Source: Game Infinitus

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