Yooka-Laylee – A 3D Platformer Rare-vival smashes Kickstarter goal


Playtonic Games launched their Kickstarter campaign for Yooka-Laylee, the spiritual successor to Banjo Kazooie, and within minutes the entire project was fully funded. Too bad Microsoft is so far up its own butt to have actually made Banjo 3 happen instead of sticking RARE on throwaway kinect games all these years.

Anyways, what this means is that the game will drop on all major systems including Windows, Mac, Linux, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Wii U. As a series old-school RARE fan you can be sure I’ll be picking it up on the Wii U, but hopefully it sees good sales numbers on the Xbox One to wake up Microsoft from its RARE slumber.

Yooka-Laylee is a 3D platformer that harkens back to the early days of the Nintendo 64. Yooka can use his tongue like a grapple to traverse the world, while Laylee has a sonar blast that can wipe out enemies. Each of the games many worlds is full of collectibles for players to find as well as some more extra goodies for the completionists out there.

While we don”t have an official release date yet –those are to be determined by the stretch goals– you can rest easy knowing the team is bringing along a lot of talent and love to this project. Say what you will about Kicstarter, especially with regards to video games –cough, cough, YogsCast, cough, cough– at least with it gamers can get the games they want, that the big studios won’t.

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