Yeah! You Want “Those Games,” Right? So Here You Go! Now, Let’s See You Clear Them! – Review

With a name like, Yeah! You Want “Those Games,” Right? So Here You Go! Now, Let’s See You Clear Them!, you know you are in for something that is going to be, at the very least, an interesting experience. And that’s exactly what you get as the team behind the title with the very long name have taken a bunch of those fake mobile game ads that look like games but aren’t and have turned them into actual mini games that you can actually play. It’s a smart idea that makes for a fun little mini game collection for those that enjoy puzzle titles.

Yeah! You Want “Those Games,” Right? So Here You Go! Now, Let’s See You Clear Them!, takes a number of popular fake ad games and lets you play them. You guide a stickman character and work to complete a series of mini games as fast as possible. Along the way you’ll unlock harder stages and coins that you can use to unlock badges through a ‘gatcha’ system that the game has built in. But the best thing about Yeah! You Want “Those Games,” Right? So Here You Go! Now, Let’s See You Clear Them! is that you won’t have to sit through a single ad to enjoy it! Well, I suppose the best thing is that the games are actually real, but you get what I mean.

Yeah! You Want “Those Games,” Right? So Here You Go! Now, Let’s See You Clear Them! features five mini games which include a math-based tower game which is the most challenging, especially for those that stink at math (*cough *me *cough). You start with a number (this serves as your strength), and you work to add to it by killing enemies with a lower number which in turns adds to yours. The goal is to reach the boss with a higher number than them in order to kill them and complete the stage. Along the way you’ll have to deal with special tower blocks that can add, multiply, or divide your current number which adds a fun mix into things.

Another game has you mixing vials of mismatched colored water in order to make each vial a single color. Another has you moving cars around a parking lot so they can easily exit the parking lot while avoiding pedestrians, and another sees you walking down a path collecting money and avoiding obstacles. Each hit will take cash away and the goal is to reach the end with the most cash in order to win a better home and wife, apparently. Lastly, there is my favorite game in the bunch which has you trapped in an ancient tomb with enemies, and you need to pull staffs from the walls in order to make enemies move and attack each other or allow traps fall onto them, letting you reach the treasure safely. This is the game with the most meat on the bone of the entire set in terms of logic-based puzzles.

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Aside from the tower game and staff pulling puzzle game, most of these mini games are simply throwaway games, but it’s the fact that you can actually play them that makes them enjoyable. They don’t last long but do scratch that annoying itch most of us have who keep seeing these fake game ads pop up on places like Instagram and TikTok. The only thing I thought while playing is that I wished the game featured more mini games from more ads. The various army moving games would fit nicely, as would the ball and hole games that exist. There is a lot of room here for a bigger and more full-fledged title if the team moves forward with another game.

To help ease the small number of games included, you can unlock an online mode that lets you take on stages to compete for the best score and time on the included leaderboards. You can also take on various missions for each game that present you with a task to complete and serve as the games dailies that can help you to keep coming back. In total it took me only a couple of hours to complete the entire experience over the course of a few evenings, but it was enjoyable, and each game didn’t wear out its welcome. But the best thing is that the game will only set you back $10, making it a fair price point for the content you get.

Here’s to hoping that the game sells well and that the team at MonkeyCraft can wither add some DLC into the mix down the road in the form of more mini-games, or that then build off of this foundation and create something bigger and more robust for any potential sequel.

Yeah! You Want “Those Games,” Right? So Here You Go! Now, Let’s See You Clear Them! finally lets you play those fake ad games to your hearts content.

Final Score:

Rating: 3 out of 5.

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