Xbox Series X Uses Replaceable SSD Instead Of Soldered Storage

Xbox Series X

It’s like SeX, eXcept you’re having it!

The Xbox Series X launches tomorrow, and it has one undeniable edge over its competitor, the PS5. That edge is that, unlike the PS5 with it’s soldered storage drive, the Series X and Series S both have replaceable solid state drives, per Hyped Pixels’ report.

This is actually fairly significant, as drives can and will fail. I myself had my PS4’s stock drive die on me earlier this year, and being able to replace it without having to de-solder something was incredibly helpful.

This also probably winds up being of interest to hackers. Removable storage, aside from making for an obvious upgrade, should also make it easy to add modified code to the system, at least once whatever onboard protections there are have been cracked.

Source: PC Mag

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