Xbox Series X Is Even More Of A PC Now

Bright Memory

All those jokes are less funny now.

For the longest time, even going back to the original, jokes about the box usually featured at least a token mention of how it was basically a PC. Well, now that actually seems to be the case. Because a game on the system straight up has a graphics settings menu that’s, well, basically the same as one might expect for a PC game.

As pointed out by Matt Brown of Windows Central, the Chinese developed Bright Memory features a graphics menu that features all the goodies framerate warriors love to fiddle with: ambient occlusion, motion blur, shadow quality, anisotropic filtering, bloom.
Bright Memory
FYQD Studio

I mean, I guess, long story short, consoles were always some form of computer. The usual draw was traditionally simplicity and a standard, unified platform to work on. The latter still being the case. Ah well, things can’t stay the same forever, can they?

Source: PC Gamer

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