Xbox One Turns On Sony Trinitron From Across Room

Xbox One

I was just moving some stuff around, getting my new at home work area reorganized when I came across something that I found a little funny. For whatever reason, whenever I turn on the Xbox One with the Kinect plugged in on my desk, it will cause the old Sony Trinitron I have for retro stuff to turn on from the other side of the room.

I’m figuring it has something to do with the Kinect and frequencies, or whatever, as when the Kinect wasn’t/isn’t plugged in the Sony won’t turn on. I was losing my mind for a while there wondering why in the hell this old TV with no remote was just magically turning itself on all day long, and so close to Halloween!

You can watch the video of me replicating this below:


Turning on my #XboxOne will turn on my old #Sony #Trinitron too. #iluminati

A video posted by J. Luis (@retroguy1985) on

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