Xbox One Adding Cross-Network Play For PS4 and PC

Xbox One

Soon players that play on the Xbox One will be able to get their game on with friends on the PS4 and PC. Microsoft has recently enabled cross-network features for developers to take advantage of.

This means that if taken advantage of, players on the Xbox One will be able to get online and play/compete with their friends that own the same game on a different platforms.

Think about booting up Call of Duty: Advanced Ancient Future Warfare 2 on Xbox One and letting your PS4 and PC friends all meet up to shoot at each other. It’ll be a lot of fun to destroy my console friends thanks to a keyboard and mouse combo!

ID@Xbox Director Chris Charla stated that,

Of course, it’s up to game developers to support this feature, and Xbox Live players will always have the option of choosing to play only with other Xbox Live players,

He went on to note that Rocket League will be the first game to take advantage of the new cross-network feature. It should be the perfect game to show off how well the service can work and be integrated to existing games.

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