X-Men Spinoff “The New Mutants” will be a Horror Movie

The New Mutants

That sound you’re hearing? That’s you, groaning with the displeasure of a thousand fanboys. An X-Men horror movie is now a thing.

Director Josh Boone revealed the new direction for the franchise in an interview with EW: “We are making a full-fledged horror movie set within the X-Men universe. There are no costumes. There are no supervillains. We’re trying to do something very, very different.”

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That said, Boone is a fan of the run he’s basing this take on. So, if nothing else, it ought to be better than X3 (that is a very low bar, i know). Though given the take the show currently in development is taking, it could work. Being hunted and hated for their very existence is a staple of the X-Men narrative repertoire.

Maisie Williams (Game of Thrones) has been announced to play Wolfsbane, and Anya Taylor-Joy (Split) is to play Magik. Rumors state that Henry Zaga (13 Reasons Why) is to play Sunspot. So they’ve already started lining up their talent.

It could all work well, but it’s going to rely on the audience.

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