WWE SmackDown Recap & Results 4/18/14

Welcome to our first WWE SmackDown Recap & Results here at GAMbIT!  We are going to give you full insights and thoughts on matches and storylines going on throughout the WWE today. I will be rating the matches from a scale of 1-5 and giving you what you need to know on what happens each night, along with my thoughts about the product today.  So, let’s do this!!! (Brock Lesnar Voice)


Smackdown open up with the COO Triple H, talking about how part of the job is looking for new talent. He continues on by saying that The Shield was one of those talents that he admires, but that went and wanted too much power, and crossed the line. Triple H then shows the video package from Monday Night. He keeps on talking smack about The Shield, letting them know that in Extreme Rules it will be Evolution vs. The Shield to settle things.


Alberto Del Rio vs. Big E Langston

The match starts off with Del Rio and Big E circling around the ring. Del Rio starts the attack first with kicks and a number of quick shots to Big E. Big E and Del Rio both go at it with the ropes, where Big E show off his quickness by hitting Del Rio with a stiff Shoulder tackle. Del Rio tries to come back with a headlock, but it isn’t quite good enough, as Big E just pushes him back into the corner. Del Rio, being the smart guy he is, gives Big E a boot to the face and begins to build momentum. This doesn’t last long as Big E fights back giving Del Rio a belly to bell, and trying for a big splash. Del Rio managed to fight back and throws Big E out the ring, following him pressing the attack.

Del Rio and Big E both manage to get themselves back to the ring and Del Rio comes on strong with a DDT and a pin, but only getting a 2 count. Del Rio goes to the top rope, but Big E catches him with a backbreaker to the ribs (ouch!). Big E then takes off his straps (you know what going to happen) and picks up Del Rio, but is countered with a very nice backstabber. Del Rio then tires again to pin Big E for another 2 count. Del Rio, now frustrated, then gets ready for a cross arm breaker, and locks it on tight. Big E tries to inch his way to the ropes, making it just before he taps. At this point Del Rio should break the hold, but he just doesn’t want to let go. The ref counts 1,2,3 and calls for the bell. Big E wins the match by DQ. Very good much, really enjoyed watching it as an opening.

Winner: Big E
Rate: 3.5 out of 5

Great, another vignette of Bo Dallas is shown. Like I said in my other recaps, I’m just not ready to BOlieve.

Paul Heyman gets into the ring and, of course, he introduces himself as the manager of The King Of Swing Cesaro, and the man who was behind the 21-1 streak ending Brock Lesnar. Heyman did what he did on Raw, talking about how Lesnar beat the streak and getting massive heat from the crowd with lots of boos. He goes on to diss the crowd saying that he is glad to shed the bright light of his genius upon the darkness that is Tennessee’s ignorance. He finishes by saying, “My client, Brock Lesnar conquered the Streak.”


Paige vs. Aksana

Quick start as Aksana beats down Paige and starts rubbing her face into the mat. Aksana is really carrying the match by quickly getting Paige in a Suplex, followed by locking her in a waist lock. Paige manages to come back and process to throw Aksana into the corner and then hitting her with a good old elbows to the head. Aksana runs to the ropes and Paige follows suit; the two landing double cross bodies, which was pretty awesome looking Paige then attacks Aksana with her 3 clotheslines and a dropkick, then locks her with a sexy Scorpion Cross Lock for the win.

Winner: Paige
Rate: 2.5 out of 5

We go backstage where Renee Young is interviewing one of the wrestlers for tonights main event, Sheamus. Sheamus goes on about-facing Batista later on tonight, pretty standard stuff. Young does mention the fact that Batista attacked him a few weeks ago, with Shemaus replying, “Batista took the easy way out.”


Hornswoggle W/ 3MB vs. El Torito W/ Los Matadores

I said in my Main Event Recap from the other night, that I really do believe that WWE is trying to promote Midget wrestling. I guess my wish came true as we have Hornswoggle going up against El Torito. The bell rings and we get both of them going face to face to each with other. After some faces Hornswoggle pushes Torito to get things started and Torito pushes right back. Hornswoggle pushes him away again, but this time rushes towards him for a Waist Lock, followed by a headlock.

Torito fights back and attacks Hornswoggle with shoulder tackle, then pulling off a Hurricanrana. It’s at this point that El Torito is gaining the momentum and starts a quick charge toward Hornswoggle. Unfortunately, it was quite enough momentum as he takes a shoulder to the gut. Hornswoggle gives a knee to Torito in the gut, following that up by throwing him into the corner. Hornswoggle runs at El Torito, but Torito moves at the last second, connects with a Gore and goes for a Bronco Buster (Which I haven’t seen it in months). He then follows all this up with a Moonsault from the top rope. The pin happens and El Torito gets the 3!

READ:  WWE "Payback" Predictions

Winner: El Torito
Rate: 2.5 out of 5

We return from break to Bad News Barrett at his podium, where he address the crowd by his saying “I’m Afraid I have some Bad News.” He speaks about how we all just accepted watching midget wrestling and the fact that everyone applauded that atrocity, just showing their low standards and how little their brains are.


Alexander Rusev w. Lana vs. R-Truth w. Xavier Woods

By reading the first name above, you already know who won this match, nonetheless he is having a good build up. I’m not sure for how long it will last, but I’m enjoying him beating the holy hell out of people. Tonights Victim on his push is R-Truth. Truth starts the match by attacking first, doing his cartwheel and a sharp kick to the face of Rusev. While impressive, that doesn’t seem to be good enough to take down the super athlete. Rusev comes back strong with a beautifully executed Jumping Super kick, followed with a Fallaway Slam and a Tilt-a-whirl Uranage. Then, to top it all off pulls the Accolade that just crushes R-Truth, giving him have no choice but to tap out.

Winner: Alexander Rusev
Rate: 3 out of 5 (Extra on that SuperKick)

We get our last Ultimate Warrior package, which is more touching every time you see it.


Fandango W. Layla vs. Santino Marella W. Emma

It’s really pointless in recapping this match because it was just to quick. Some people might like the gimmick, but at the end of the day it’s about wrestling and there was dreadfully little of it in this match. The match had Layla stealing the cobra, again, but this time Emma attacks her for her trouble. Fandango takes a chance and goes for a quick roll up, which Santino counters into his own roll up for the count. That’s It, really. I’ll grant that after words, it was cute that Emma asks for a high-five, but instead Santino gave her a high-five with the Cobra. Which just left her arm as just dead weight. Sure, it was a funny moment, but I want wrestling!

Winner: Santino Marella
Rate: 1.5 out of 5


Batista vs. Sheamus

This is the main event of the night, and a battle of two powerhouses. Sheamus starts off the match by attacking Batista after the beat down he gave him 3 weeks ago. Batista gets a quick come back with the upperhand, throwing Sheamus around outside the ring. Batista the process to get back to the ring, only to get hit with a clothesline. This shows that Sheamus is not playing around as he lands several blows to Batista. Sheamus goes for the Ten Beats, but Batista manages to kick out. Batitsta gets back in after throwing Sheamus around outside the ring, rag-dolling him into the barricade and kicking the steel steps to Sheamus lower body. Sheamus now begins some momentum and comes back, running towards Batista, but ultimately just undoing the build by hitting the turnbuckle. Batista must quickly capitalize on this and takes advantage, throwing him into the ring post so bad, that he falls out around it. Batista then grabs Shemus and throw him back in the ring. You can tell from the look in Batista eyes that he just wants this match to be over with quickly. He tries to go for the Batista Bomb, but Shemaus counters, throwing him out of the the ring! Batista is not going to put up with this and so he throws Sheamus into the corner again, but Sheamus reverses it and does the same. Batista is now locked up in the corner, Sheamus goes for a running high knee and puts Batista on the apron, connecting his Ten Beats. Sheamus goes for a Slingshot Battering Ram and lands the pin, but only gets the 2 count.

Sheamus then tries to pick up Batista, but he escapes just before it’s too late. It just wasn’t good enough as Sheamus transitions it into an Irish Curse Backbreaker. Again, he goes for a pin, but still only gets the 2 count. Sheamus grabs Batista once more and goes for the Cloverleaf, but Batista is not going to have it as he grabs the ropes and crawls to the corner. This wasn’t a smart move., as Shemaus connects with a Front Powerslam. He start prepping, for a Brouge Kick and right when he was about to go for it Batista rolls out to the safety of the floor. Sheamus is done with this nonsense and throws him back into the ring and goes again for the Brouge, but this time Batista hit him with a spear, he pins him but gets a 2. Batista ties another Batista Bomb, but it gets reverse. Sheamus then heads to the top ropes, but Batista grabs him and throws him back into the ropes, where he hits his fellas (Guys know what I mean). Batista hits him with a clothesline to the back of the head and finally does the Batista Bomb, for the win!

Winner: Batista
Rate: 4 out of 5



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