WWE Raw Recap & Results 4/14/14


Tonight WWE Raw is Live In Birmingham, Alabama !  Tonight was the Tribute to the Ultimate Warrior !

If there’s one thing WWE is amazing at doing, it’s making a spectacular video package, and the one they did for Ultimate Warrior was spot on.  All of the WWE superstars were on stage, even Vince McMahon, as they celebrated the life of The Ultimate Warrior. It was a powerful image, watching all the superstars, and even fans, chanting Warrior over and over again while we started off Monday Night Raw.
We were informed that the Usos would face Randy Orton and Batista tonight  (not for the titles) and we would have an 8-man tournament for the number 1 contender for the Intercontinental Championship. What a great way to start off Raw, because Ultimate Warrior was known as being one of the best Intercontinental Champions ever in WWE.


Rob Van Dam vs. Alberto Del Rio (First Round Match for Intercontinental Championship)

We start off tonight with a match between Rob Van Dam and Alberto Del Rio. As always, RVD was looking great for a chubby guy, showing us why he is still that damn good. Alberto though, was not going to have that, starting with a kick to the leg as RVD hits a monkey flip.  The Crowd was going nuts within the first few minutes, and I don’t blame them, because this is RVD after all. I have to say, the start of the match was kind of shaky, due to the fact that Alberto was not selling RVD’s hits very well, but by the end of the match things turned around with some Rolling Thunder and finally RVD toping it off with the great 5 Star Frog Splash. 1,2,3 … RVD wins and the Crowd goes wild!

RVD will face the winner of Cesaro vs Mark Henry tonight.

Winner: RVD
Rating: 3 out of 5

We learn that Daniel Bryan would not be on RAW tonight due of being on his honeymoon with Brie Bella. We then we get a video package of the epic ending of last weeks Raw. Heading backstage, we see a meeting-taking place between Triple H, Batista, and Randy Orton. But, before we got a chance to hear what was going on, we get a video package of the Ultimate Warrior.

The video shows his first time winning the Intercontinental Championship at SummerSlam in 1988, really quick but good match that I would recommend anyone watch on the WWE network.

We then go back to the meeting where Triple H says that no one can stop the Shield except for the 3 of them, and it was at that point that I was looking for my Evolution shirt. Sadly, Orton and Bastista agree that he is on his own on this own.


The Brotherhood vs. RybAxel

I’m so glad to see The Brotherhood is back, and that they’re up against RybAxel. Also, quite happy to see them debut their theme, which was pretty weird, as it was Ryback’s theme with a mix of the Mr. Perfect theme. The match itself started out really good, with Goldust showing off his move set and trying to pin down Axel for a 2 count. Axel comes back with shots to the head, tags in Ryback who hits a clothesline and pins, but only gets a 2 count.

At this point we have Goldust on the ground, looking for a shot to tag his brother in, and when he does, Bam! Cody comes in to clean up the ring with a moonsault and crossbody on the outside to hit Ryback. Then, Cody hits his Disaster Kick on Axel, after Axel took out Goldust. As Cody tries to do a Disaster Kick again on Ryback, Ryback catches him with a Meat Hook for a 3 count, while Goldust tires to break it up.

Although, I am disappointed in The Brotherhood losing, I do think is time to start pushing Rybaxel.

Winner: RybAxel
Rating: 3 out of 5

We get a preview for Legends House and then return to a vignette for Bo Dallas, who I am not ready to see him on the main roster.


Paige vs. Alicia Fox

Let me just say I am a massive fan of Paige, but the fact that she won the Divas title on her debut was just too soon. Tonight she shows why she earned it so early. In a very quick, but sweet match against Alicia Fox, she gets beat down with not one, not two, but three backbreakers by Fox. Fox mocks the crowd as they chant for Paige and fights back with a wicked slap with three on-going clotheslines (JBL would be proud). Paige goes for a drop kick, and then locks up a Scorpion Cross lock, which for many fans is probably the first time seeing it, but for me it just brought a smile to my face, because as soon as she locked it in I knew that Fox would tap out.

After the match, I was waiting for AJ lee to show up and cut a promo about last week. I really do think WWE should start building up this epic feud between AJ Lee and Paige.

Winner: Paige
Rating: 2.5 out of 5


The Usos vs. Randy Orton and Batista

Before the match starts, we get a insight between the two teams, and how Randy and Batista are going up against them. The Match stars with The Usos (rocking Warrior shirts) taking out Randy and Batista. As soon as Randy and Batista finally take control of the match, out comes The Shield, taking out Randy outside the ring and surrounding the ring where Batista stands. With a mighty superman punch from Roman, Batista gets knocked out of the ring and the match ends there.

I have a good feeling about this.

Winners by DQ: Batista and Randy Orton

While Orton and Batista are walking away, Triple H shows up and says that he told them so (I started laughing).

We also get another video package of Warrior vs. Hogan at WrestleMania 6

Paul Heyman comes out and once again, made a show that the world needs to know that the Streak was conquered by Brock Lesnar. Along with introducing the next big thing, the “King of Swing”, Cesaro!


Cesaro vs. Mark Henry (First Round Match for Intercontinental Championship)

Cesaro is coming in strong, with Paul Heyman on his slide, and he really shows it in this match.  Another short match, but has an awesome moment with Cesaro. Cesaro starts getting his but kicked, taking a clothesline and getting thrown out the ring. Heyman tries to get Cesaro on track, and he does! Cesaro hits Henry with several forearms and uppercuts causing Henry to push Cesaro, but it doesn’t help. Henry goes for the Worlds Strongest Slam, but Cesaro gets him with another uppercut and then hits him with a massive Neutralizer for the 3 count.

Cesaro advances to the 2nd round, to go against RVD in the tournament.  

Winner: Cesaro
Rating: 2.5 out of 5

Triple H and Stephanie send off Brad Maddox to tell The Shield that they have a match in the main event tonight, with who? I don’t know (Wink)


Alexander Rusev vs. Xavier Woods

Come on, you know who would win this match. I really am enjoying Alexander Rusev, especially Lana, but I fear that his gimmck will be short lived. We shall see, but for now I’m enjoying it, along with him beating up Xavier Woods and R truth. Rusev locks up the Accolade and Woods taps!

Winner: Alexander Rusev
Rating: 2 out of 5

We also get another video package of Warrior vs. Rick Rude at SummerSlam 1990, really good match and recommend all fans to check it out.


Sheamus vs. Jack Swagger (First Round Match for Intercontinental Championship)

Coming into this match I thought Jack Swagger would have won it all, so they can expand on the feud between him and Cesaro. Boy, was I wrong. Sheamus took hold of this match early with a clothesline and then a forearm to the face. Sheamus gets distracted by Colter, leading to a Swagger retreat.Getting the upper hand, Sawgger slams Sheamus on the outside, then hits a belly to belly for a pin for only 2. Swagger thought that with a clothesline, he would be able to beat Sheamus, but nope! Again, only a count of 2!

READ:  31 Days of Fright: Raw

Swagger tries to keep Sheamus down, but wait, Sheamus starts fighting back and hits a massive clothesline. Sheamus goes for a knee to the head, then a blow to his chest, and a shoulder block that only leads to a 2 count. Sheamus tries to go for a Battering Ram, but Swagger catches him and locks on the Patriot Lock. Shemaus manages to get out of the ring, saving himself, but Swagger goes out and hits his knee and throws Sheamus back into the ring. Once Swagger gets back, out of nowhere, Sheamus gains a second wind and hits a Brogue Kick for the 1,2,3. Very well done, and a shock that Sheamus won, because I would have liked him to start losing and hopefully start making him to a heel.

Sheamus goes on to the next round where he will face either, Bad News Barrett or Dolph Ziggler.

Winner: Sheamus
Rating: 3 out of 5

We are given a Vignette of Adam Rose. My thoughts for him are quite simple. I can’t wait, the man knows how to wrestle and if you don’t believe me just look him up on NXT by his former name, Leo Kruger.


Sandow comes on and cuts a promo of him being the most deserving person in the WWE. Big Show comes out, but Sandow continues on. The best part of this is how shocked Damien looked when the crowd was agreeing with him. Big Show says nothing, but Damien keeps poking him on the chest, until he finally gets knocked out, and Big Show leaves the ring. I know it seems like this was just a waste of time, but this can be seen as a new build up for Damien.


Bray Wyatt comes out and cuts one of his gold promos and calls out Cena. Cena, on the other hand, thinks it’s time to get funny and shows Wyatts pictures of them cropped out in other people bodies. I’m not a fan of funny Cena, but it was like Bray knew what I was thinking, because he called him out on his non-sense. Cena came back in saying the last time he was serious he beat Bray. Cena asks Bray for a match where his family won’t be needed, and he asks him to go one on one against him at Extreme Rules, in a steel cage match. Bray seems to accept the match, as he said that he wants to have fun then they will, and that this is his world.

Santino Marella and Emma vs. Fandango and Layla

Why, Just why? I’m done with this feud,there is nothing else to do with it. I like Emma, but I’m not going to stand here and enjoy this gimmick she has with Santino. I don’t think its pushing them in the right way. As for the match, it was done in two minutes.  Although, it was nice to see the DilEmma, it wasn’t enough, because Layla knocks Emma off the top and covers for the win.

Winner: Fandango and Layla
Rating: 1 out of 5


Stephanie talks to Kane and tries to bring back his monster persona, and it seems to work, because Kane then stands up in anger and looks at the mask saying that he will eviscerate Daniel Bryan, and send him to the depths of hell.

We get our last Video Package of Ultimate Warrior from his speech last week, they also announced in the WWE Network they would be showing Warrior’s best matches.


Dolph Ziggler vs. Bad News Barrett (First Round Match for Intercontinental Championship)

Yes! Dolph Ziggler is in a match. Kind of sick of the way WWE has been using him lately, and this match doesn’t change a bit. Ziggler and Barrett gave of us a heck of a show, so much so I would say this was the match of the night when it comes to straight wrestling. Ziggler gave it his all and tosses Barrett over the ropes, fighting him off, until Barrett tosses Ziggler to the steel post and Barrett mocks Zigglers.

Barrett, in control over Ziggler, puts on a headlock , but Ziggler manages to slip out of the ring and start his comeback. He hits Barrett with a neckbreaker and goes to pin him for just a 2 count. Ziggler tries to hit the Fame-asser, but is caught in a Wasteland. Barrett goes for the pin getting only a 2 count. Barrett goes to slam Ziggler, but he comes back and finally hits him with the Fame-Asser. Ziggler tries to pin and yet again, only another 2 count. Ziggler and Barrett go back and forth. Ziggler tries to hit the Zig Zag, but Barrett holds onto the ropes. Barrett hits the Winds of Change and goes for the pin again, getting only a 2 count. Barrett goes for the Bullhammer, but Ziggler ducks, but it wasn’t good enough and catches Ziggler and finally gets the win.

Barrett advances to the 2nd round, to go against Sheamus in the tournament.  

Winner: Bad News Barrett
Rating: 3.5 out of 5

After the match we get a really good video package of  “Masked” Kane and all the destruction he has done within his career. Glad to see that Kane back.


The Shield vs. Alberto Del Rio, Jack Swagger, Fandango, 3MB, Titus O’Neil, RybAxel, Alexander Rusev, Bad News Barrett

The Shield comes out thinking they are going to have a 3 on 3 man match, but in the words of Bad News Barrett, “I’m afraid I have some bad news.” 11 men come out and they try to have a normal 11 on 3-man match. It wasn’t enough though, as The Shield went wild trying to take all 11 men down. Unfortunately, those 11 men came back strong and beat the holy hell out of The Shield.

No Contest

During a hell of a beat down, a song started playing that only old school wrestling fans would go crazy at. It was the sound of Motörhead, but it wasn’t the Triple H theme, it was better! The Evolution theme was playing, which can only mean one thing … Evolution is back!!!!!

Evolution comes in to the Ring and all the 11 men step out and let the real team take over. Evolution starts to take out The Shield one by one, RKO for Rollins, Roman tries to help but then he gets a RKO, followed by a Batista Bomb. Evolution is looking Strong, beating down Rollins and getting another RKO and a Batista Bomb. It’s Christmas for these gentlemen, but wait, they for got one more. Yes, Ambrose tries to fight back, but gets a Batista Bomb into a RKO … sweet freaking Jesus. Triple H grabs the mic and yells at Roman, and then says “Believe in Evolution” and delivers a Pedigree to Roman Reigns!  Evolution is back! And they’re unstoppable!

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