WWE NXT Recap/Review 6/5/14

After the fall out from NXT: TakeOver, what lies ahead for the superstars?  What new challenges or new appearance will come to pass? Here is your NXT Recap/Review of June 5, 2014.

Please keep in mind that I will be rating matches on a scale of 1-5 and giving my thoughts on each match.

So, let’s do this!!! (Brock Lesnar Voice)


We are welcomed by Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, and William Regal, aka the most underrated wrestler that ever lived.


Mojo Rawley vs. Aiden English


The first Match of The Night is Between Mojo Rawley and Aiden English. At first, Mojo comes out and with his whole gimmick of starting the hype, and once Aiden comes out he starts with his silly singing about how Mojo is letting down the USA (Yes, at that moment I had the WTF face too).

What we get is a very short and simple match. Nothing great and nothing that can really expand on either of these wrestlers. Mojo may work better but I just don’t see Aiden’s gimmick lasting much longer. The match ended with English punching Rawley in the midsection, and then he kicking him in the head for a two count.

English goes for the reverse chin lock, but Rawley is now getting his second wind and goes for a slam. English manages to escape from the slam at the last moment and throws Rawley into the corner. Rawley hits him with a big boot and now throws English into the corner. Rawley goes for a running shoulder tackle and after connecting he throws English into the turnbuckles and then he hits a leaping butt bump and nailing a Hyperdrive for the win.

Winner: Aiden English
Rate: 2.5 out of 5


Bayley vs. Charlotte (with Sasha Banks)


Let me say it before I continue on with this, NXT WOMEN > WWE DIVAS. Since last weeks TakeOver match, with Charlotte winning the women’s title she is making a statement that all women matches from now on should be as great as her. Don’t get me wrong, Paige counts on the list as well.

This match was another quick one, but solid overall. We see Charlotte hitting Bayley with a knee to the midsection followed by a big clothesline. Charlotte tries to go for the quick pin, but only gets a two count. Charlotte, with a snap mare goes with a figure four head-scissors (shouting out “Wooooo”) and rolls up Bayley for another count of two. Bayley finally comes back with a double leg take down and punches Charlotte, staggering her. Bayley goes for double sledges on Charlotte and follows with a running shoulder into the corner.

At this moment, Sasha decides to interfere with the match, but Bayley is not having any of it when and goes for baseball slide. Sasha moves out of the way and Bayley tries to follow, but is caught by Charlotte once again. Charlotte hits her with a knee to the midsection, when all of the sudden Summer Rae’s music begins to play and she makes her way to the ring.

Charlotte doesn’t really know what to do at this point and Bayley takes advantage of with a backslide, but Charlotte rolls up and knees her and hits her finisher the ‘Bow Down to the Queen’ for the win.

After the match, Summer joins Charlotte and Sasha in beats up Bayley when she is down. Paige and Emma come out and manage to save Bayley which helps expand the story with these women and gets us looking forward for a big 6 woman tag match (hopefully next week).

Winner: Charlotte
Rate: 4 out of 5 (Extra on Segment and Hype of 6 women tag)


Tye Dillinger and Jason Jordan vs. Stuart Cumberland and Phillip Gouljar


I think it’s safe to say that the next competitors that will be facing off against The Ascension are going to be Tye Dillinger and Jason Jordan. Every match they have been has been pretty damn good, and their gimmick reminds me of The Usos.

This match wasn’t bad at all, as a matter fact, I enjoyed it as much as the main event which is saying a lot. I hope within the next few weeks they will start cutting some promos and actually request a shot for the titles, after beating The Ascension.

READ:  5 Classic WWE Stars Who Never Won The WWE Championship

The match reaches it peak with Dillinger landing a number of big kicks and chops on Gouljar and Gouljar coming back with punches to Dillinger and managing to get Cumberland tagged in to take the pressure off. Cumberland jumps in and quickly tags Philip back in after a very short breather. Phillip goes for a kick, but Dillinger tags Jordan and connects with nasty clothesline followed by a back body drop. He tops it off with a sweet super kick to Cumberland and Jordan nails a shoulder tackle and goes for the ‘Olympic Slam’ and pins him for 1,2,3!

Very well done, looking forward in seeing how far this team goes and I hope that NXT lets them start cutting promo in the ring to make them look stronger.

Winner: Tye Dillinger and Jason Jordan
Rate:  3.5 out of 5



Our number one contender comes out looking as gorgeous as he thinks he is to promote his new music video.

Before he shows it off to the crowd, he does address how he beat Seth Rogan’s less good looking little brother Sami Zayn and how the champion should be on his toes and on the look out for the next NXT Champion.

He shows off the video and it’s funny as hell. A music video focused on his “so-called” focus self.


Justin Gabriel vs. Adrian Neville


It’s the main event, and the NXT Champion is in action going up against the South African born wrestler, Justin Gabriel.

We start off with Gabriel landing a shoulder tackle on Neville.  Neville quickly recovers and nails Gabriel with a head-scissors that sends Gabriel to the floor. Neville goes for a dive, but Gabriel counters and hits clothesline Neville. Gabriel sends Neville to the floor and then misses a dive himself. Neville takes the advantage and goes with a cannonball off the apron that looked so freaking sweet. Neville gets Gabriel back in the ring and tries to pin him, but only gets the count of 2!

Then, Neville goes for a flying forearm followed by a back heel kick and spinning back kicks. He does a running kick to the temple and then goes to the turnbuckles. Neville hits a missile drop kick and pins for only the count of 2! Neville attempst to do tornado DDT but Gabriel gets a hold and hits a package ‘Northern Lights’ suplex and goes for the pin for a count of 2. Watch a match!

We end with Gabriel going up for a 450 splash, but Neville quickly moves and hits him with a kick to the head and then drop kicks him into the corner. Neville rolls Gabriel into position to hits the ‘Red Arrow’ and gets the 1,2,3!
Thoroughly enjoyed the match NXT.  Please keep making our champion look this strong. I like him a lot but would like for him to start cutting more promos along with these amazing well-put matches. Mic skills are just as important.

After the match is over Tyson Kidd’s music hits and he goes to the ring and explains to Neville about how he feels bad about pushing him off last week and asks for a rematch. Neville agrees the two shake hands. I was waiting for a sneak attack as I’m not a big fan of two good guys going fighting. Someone needs to be the one that wants it more that his morals don’t even matter any more. Hopefully, that fire appears in Kidd in the next couple weeks before the rematch.

Winner: Adrian Neville
Rate: 4 out of 5


What do you think of these matches? Love them, Hate them?

I am always excited to talk wrestling. WWE, TNA, ROH and even more indie goodness.

You can keep the conversation going by dropping me a message via twitter @Nando_Pov

You can watch NXT on WWE Network, every Thursday Night.


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