Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #13

This has been a great week for Valiant comics! Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #13 was a great read, with both the script and the art work being amazing in equal parts. The best thing is that the book sets up something better and bigger for next issue!

The book opens with a slow and suspenseful scene with Gilad’s family, which gives us a quick pep talk which is followed by a hell of a tense sequence that has a very movie feel. Personally, I loved it all, and made me see the whole story as a summer blockbuster inside my head.

Thereafter, we see the pandemonium we wanted, or at least that I wanted to see, for several issues. I find some similarity between certain biblical stories and Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #13. It has a very good base to work from; accurate, direct, and that applies to the stories overall context. I won’t name names, but I’m sure you’ll recognize it when you get to it.

As this is an issue focused on action, aside from some morality bites and pep talking here and there, we don’t have an actual plot, just the action and fighting between two great characters. Not that I disliked it, but just saying making note in case you don’t know what to expect from it.

Finally, to be done with the script, I find it difficult to do something better than what we got, but in the end that’s what things are about, to surprise the readers, and Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #13 has done exactly that: set the ground for an epic fight I’m excitingly waiting for.

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In terms of art, this issue is the best one I’ve seen so far in the whole series. The level of detail is amazing especially with the coloring and the shadows. There’s so much work put in here that I cannot really describe it, but to put it in short: You need to see it.

Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #13 keeps its own style while achieving a more realistic look, playing with a more emotional aspect. Some real human vulnerability is shown in our hero, but there’s also that murderous rage that we all love, with a deadly mix of feelings reflected in all of the pages. The book is not just a good read, but an all around experience.

I read a couple of months ago that he best lettering was the one that was unnoticed, and that’s exactly what we have this time.  Everything about this issue just falls into place in the best possible way. I thought I would only “like” it, but I ended loving Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #13. Intense, entertaining and just the issue we needed and that (I hope) will find its soul-mate in issue #14.

“Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #13 is one heck of a good time”


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