Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #10

It’s a little embarrassing thing to say, but I forgot how much I liked this comic. I say that only because I forgot about Wrath of the Eternal Warrior as a series thanks to so many books coming across my desk. Sometimes a month between issues is a really long time!

The story in Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #10 has a slow pace with a little bit of suspense tossed in. This really keeps you reading and paying attention from beginning to end. The final pages of the story also find a good end for this labyrinth of a story arc, and leaves it open to interpretation; I´m sure many will enjoy guessing what will happen next because of it.

The plot was very solid and the lack of action didn’t bother me at all, since these slow bits are counterbalancing all the fighting, killing and blood we had in the past issues. Sometimes it’s good to slow down and gives readers a breather. This also means we get to learn a little bit more about our hero’s enemy and what he is capable of doing.

Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #10

To be honest, I loved the little panels aside from the big flashy ones. These smaller panels fill the book with lots of drama as well as giving the whole issue a more cinematic “Hollywood” look. It seems like people at Valiant are applying this in many of their creations across the board, and it’s working!

Thanks to the ending we get in Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #10, there are many possibilities for the next issues will bring, and what our hero Gilad can do with his life now. I’m getting the feeling that maybe we will see a new major event in the Valiant universe, or at least that’s what I’d like.

In terms with the art what we get is pretty solid. I loved the little micro-panels that were paired with the larger ones. These really helped fill in more detail and their simplicity was a nice contrast to the bigger, more flashy ones. It gave enough space to many scenes and the common background shared throughout was really nice on the eyes.

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Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #10

The style and the use of matte colors was a curious and interesting one to me, mostly because I’ve never before seen an explosion with the sort of characteristics on disply. It was strange at first, but when I looked at it more and more I got used to it.

I had a little problem with some of the coloring, especially the double-page image at the beginning or the book. More specifically with the mist that happens all through the book. It didn’t look good, and didn’t quite match the rest of the issue. This might be the only real element not really supported by the overall style on display. It felt somehow disjointed from the rest of the art.

Another thing that I don’t understand is how that crow could fly free? I saw him in the other panels, but if it wasn’t for the semiotic meaning of the image, which is not really enough on its own, I would be more bothered about it.

That said, both script, lettering and the art style suit the story overall. It wasn’t the best one ever and has some little mistakes here and there, but it’s still enjoyable. Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #10 might be more for serious fans of the series than newbies, but its a solid book all around.

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