World of Warplanes Flies Into Action With Version 2.0

World of Warplanes was released a few years back, and since then it has been riding high; each day pilots are jumping in the cockpit ready for action. Now it’s time for a massive overhaul including core gameplay changes, an all-new game mode, complete revised warplane types and their parameters, a highly-demanded Bomber class, and more.

Introducing the Conquest mode, World of Warplanes’ gameplay banks a steep turn from dominating in team deathmatch to achieving tactical superiority over a land area divided into key sectors. The outcome of a battle is not determined by personal skill, but by the well-coordinated efforts of a team consisting of several different warplane classes.

To emphasize the roles of various classes, each of them has been redefined to fulfill specific roles in combat, with highly distinguished advantages and disadvantages. Finally, the aircraft fleet welcomes Bombers, a long-awaited class that will have specific objectives in every battle.

Enhanced dynamics have been one of the player requirements, and in World of Warplanes Update 2.0, it will be met with the respawn system, allowing pilots to re-enter the battle and contribute to their team’s victory.

Among other updates are the overhauled graphics and sound that provide full immersion in the tense aerial combat.

Changes in short:

  • New Game Mode: The main gameplay focus has been shifted from pure dogfighting to a more strategic way of combat, where superiority is achieved by capturing areas that grant different ingame bonuses.
  • New Aircraft Class: Bombers! High Altitude aircraft suitable for ground targets destruction join the rooster! For the moment we are getting 3 premium bombers, which can be earned until the end of the month. To do so, you need to assemble them by gathering their parts in lootboxes that are obtainable by completing daily missions. Obviously, these lootboxes include tons of other ingame goods as premium time, gold, consumables…
  • New Tactical elements: manual control of your rear gunner, new bombsight view, onboarding armament reloading, and respawns! “Queue-load battle-die fast-repeat” times are over, as now mistakes are not fatal.
  • Flight mechanics, graphics, interface, sounds, animations, economy system… many more areas are getting enhancements.
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