World of Warcraft reveals its Robin Williams tribute

After Robin Williams died on August 11, Blizzard promised that he would live on in Azeroth forever as an NPC in World of Warcraft (Williams was an avid player of WoW, and a well-known fan of video games in general; he named his daughter Zelda, for crying out loud). Anyway, the Williams-inspired character has been revealed. You can see him in the forthcoming expansion Warlords of Draenor, and appropriately enough, Williams’ avatar is a genie named Robin.


In Draenor‘s Talador Zone, players can find an “Ever-Burning Lamp,” which produces Robin, who first hollers “Infinite cosmic power!” before dwindling in size and meekly adding “Itty bitty living space.” Skip to around 0:45 to see him in action. All in all I think it’s a pretty fitting, sweet tribute.

Thanks to The AV Club for the heads up.

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