Wonder Woman Costume Test From George Miller’s Canceled Justice League Mortal

Justice League Mortal

George Miller is one heck of an action director. One only has to look to his Mad Max series to see his vision of the future come to life. But what a lot of people don’t know was that before he returned to the directors chair for Mad Max Fury Road, the director was tapped by Warner Brothers to make a Justice League movie happen. The film titled “Justice League Mortal” would have picked up fresh with the characters and left behind the bland Brandon Routh Superman, as well as ignoring the Christian Bale Batman of which was also in development at the time. Could you imagine having two films come out around the same time with two different caped crusaders?

George Miller had already cast a then 19 year-old Armie Hammer as Batman, Adam Brody as The Flash, D.J. Cotrona as Superman, Megan Gale as Wonder Woman, Santiago Cabrera as Aquaman, Hugh Keays-Byrne as Martian Manhunter, Teresa Palmer as Talia Al Ghul, Jay Baruchel as Maxwell Lord, Common as John Stewart/Green Lantern, Anton Yelchin as Wally West, Zoe Kazan as Iris West and Stephen Tobolowsky as Alfred Pennyworth. That’s a hell of a jam-packed cast of characters to fit within a single film and presumably give an origin story to.

Strangely enough the project was canceled by Warner Bros as it geared into full production mode, but not because of fear that the film would tank, but because of Australia’s decision to stop tax breaks for movie makers and already having Batman Begins in full gear. The film would have seen Batman compile a list on the weaknesses of all Justice League members in the case they went bad. Maxwell Lord would have somehow infiltrated the Batcave to steal this information, in turn using it to take out each league member one by one. It’s a neat idea, and one that Warner Actually liked enough to use in the animated Justice League film, Justice League Doom. While the details were changed, the core story is essentially the same and its a film I highly recommend.

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Anyways, since the film did make it all the way to the production phase we know that most (if not all) of the cast had professional costume tests done. While all of these have yet to leak onto the internet, today we do get our first look at Megan Gale (Fury Road) as Wonder Woman. Take a look at the outfit below:

Justice League Mortal


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