Windows 11 To Have Built-In Android App Functionality

Windows 11

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The Windows 11 event has come and gone. And one of the major revelations is that 11 will have native support for Android apps built in. You’ll be able to get them via the Windows Store thanks to a partnership between Microsoft and Amazon’s Android app store.

They can be integrated into Start. They can be integrated into your taskbar. They’re discoverable through the Microsoft store using the Amazon app store.

Panos Panay, Microsoft chief product officer

Essentially, the gist of things is that thanks to Intel’s “Bridge” technology, they’re able to run these apps natively on Windows. The Bridge basically translates Android App code into something your PC understands without you or the developers of the app in question actually having to do anything.

This isn’t the first time Microsoft has tried to support Android apps through Windows. They tried something similar with Windows 10 by giving developers a means of doing the legwork to make this cross-platform functionality work, but it didn’t capture the crowd. Having things run natively, however, is a game changer. Moreover, it keeps them competitive with Apple, which recently unveiled a similar feature for their M1 laptops; the ability to run both Mac OS and iOS apps on their new laptops.

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The question would be why they would partner with Amazon’s Android app store, rather than simply go through Google. There could be any number of reasons, like a better deal, or one side not being willing to play ball, and so on. But the world may never know. And while Amazon’s store hasn’t got the sum total of Google Play, it does have the overwhelming majority of common, desired apps. So win-win.

Source: PC Gamer

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