Winamp Has Risen From The Grave


Time to whip the llama’s ass all over again.

You may remember, way back in the Year of our Lord 2018, that Winamp announced a comeback. Well, it’s been a long 4 years, but the time has finally come. By clicking here, you can start whipping the llama’s ass like it’s 2002 all over again.

As DJ Egg puts it in his forum post:

This is the culmination of 4 years’ work since the 5.8 release.
Two dev teams, and a pandemic-induced hiatus period inbetween.

To the end-user, it might not seem like there’s a whole heap of changes,
but the largest and hardest part was actually migrating the entire project from VS2008 to VS2019
and getting it all to build successfully.

The groundwork has now been laid, and now we can concentrate more on features.
Whether fixing/replacing old ones or adding new.

So, all said, the work still isn’t totally done. But now that the new version is in the hands of users, they can get to work putting out the fires and making everything better. As DJ Egg said, while the change log isn’t visibly large, each entry represents a large amount of work to implement, not made any easier by the pandemic. There are known issues, but it’s reasonable to expect them to eventually be ironed out.

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In all honesty, Winamp was never a part of my life; I simply didn’t get into computers until after its heyday had begun to wane (the rise of VLC had begun at that point). That said, there are a ton of people for which it’s a fondly remembered application. And they get the joy of using it again. Hell, maybe I’ll join them; there have been aspects of VLC that I’m not fond of, recent of late.

Source: PC Gamer

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