William Shatner might be in Star Trek 3

It looks like William Shatner is heading to a galaxy far, far away. Whoops, sorry, wrong franchise (also, better franchise – suck it, Trekkies!). Star Trek 3 won’t be directed by J.J. Abrams, but rather by Star Trek co-screenwriter and noted 9/11 Truther Roberto Orci, who is also partly responsible for shit like Transformers and awesome genre fare like Sleepy Hollow. Anyway, it looks like Orci is looking to the the original Captain Kirk back aboard the Enterprise. Hopefully this means we’ll get Andy Serkis or Doug Jones as the Gorn. Shatner had this to say about his casting:

“How could you not put one of the founding figures into a movie that was being resurrected?” […] “That doesn’t make good business sense. I’ve become even more popular than when I was playing Captain Kirk.

I’m good box office – and I get good publicity.”

Oh wait, that was from 2009, when he learned that he wouldn’t be in the first Star Trek film. Man, I’m all over the place today! Speaking seriously, BadassDigest had this to say:

I have learned that the script for Star Trek 3 includes a scene that reteams Shatner and Nimoy onscreen as Kirk and Spock for the first time in canon since 1991’s Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. It would be a pretty huge moment for fans of the franchise, and likely the last time we’ll ever see Shatner as James T. Kirk in official continuity.

So this is far from a done deal. Will Shatner’s need for attention compel him to say yes, or will his legendary ego force him to say no? Only time will tell, true believers!

READ:  Dakota fanning Plays a Star Trek Fan in Please Stand By

Man, what a shitty article. I should delete this last line before any readers realize how insecure I really am.

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