WII U Gets New Game Three Years After Its Death

Nintendo is a company that learns from its past. It seems that every other console is simply a testbed for something greater. The Game&Watch influences the Nintendo DS/3DS, Gamecube internals led to the Wii, and the Wii U felt like a prototype Nintendo Switch.

And while I am a person that loves my Wii U, I know that it wasn’t a big seller. I can’t begin to tell you how many people asked me what the Wii U was when it released, most people assuming it was just a Wii that got a new controller add-on. Still, it has a lot of fantastic games, most of which have now been ported to the Nintendo Switch.

The Wii U won’t go down as a Nintendo classic and was officially declared dead some three years ago at this point, only serving as a repository for Just Dance releases. But things seem to be changing, at least in this single instance. It seems that the ESRB has rated a new game for the long-dead Nintendo Wii U.

The game, Shakedown Hawaii, is the GTA-inspired sequel to the pretty amazing Retro City Rampage. This makes a lot of sense since that first game released on just about every console at the time including the 3DS and Wii. Hell, it even released in a modified form on an NES cart.

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Shakedown: Hawaii is currently available on all modern consoles, PC and the 3DS and also dead PS Vita. Can’t imagine sales are going to be huge on the Wii U but if that’s the only console you have then at least you’ll be able to enjoy something new in 2020.

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