We’ve Already Seen Mario’s Dingledank


And you thought his nipples were hot stuff.

Earlier in the year, a Super Mario Odyssey trailer (and specifically Nintendo’s Twitter) gave us a look at Mario’s nipples. It caused a sensation among shutins and people who like to make fun of MovieBob, for here was proof of Mario’s secondary sexual characteristics! Much like with Mark Trail and his sudden nipple-having, we all marveled.

But wait! In the Land of the Rising Sun, glorious Nippon, we have already seen Mario’s dong:

Nintendo, Kodansha

For your information, there was a Mario manga, published by Kodansha, that ran for about 10 years, between 1988-1998. They covered pretty much every game in the series that came out in that time period, too. Dubbed KC Mario, they usually followed the plot of the games, more or less, with a few liberties taken along the way.

Nintendo, Kodansha

The one with Mariodong, however, is the one based on Super Mario Land (a.k.a. the weird one). And… I don’t know, if you’ve ever read or seen unedited Dragonball/Z, you’re not really surprised.

Nintendo, Kodansha

Yep, that’s Mario’s deliberately crudely drawn cockandballs. For reference (not that it’s really necessary), the Princess is inside the robot, and when the Honen bites Mario out of his overalls, the Princess sees his tallywacker. Hot and bothered, she decks him into the special world.

READ:  Nintendo Direct 9/13/2022

So there you go. You can now say you’ve seen Mario’s penis. Also, I’ve been repressing my urge to pot a link to this the entire time. I am a child:

~That heavy breathing you’re hearing? That’s MovieBob.~

Source: Kotaku

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