WatchDogs and The Stanley Parable are free on Epic Games Store

It seems that we’ve all got a fair bit of free time on our hands for the foreseeable future. That means you’ve got time to kill and some free video games should be able to help get you through the next few weeks. Square Enix already offered up some Tomb Raider fun, and now the Epic Games Store is getting in on the action.

If you head on over to the Epic Games Store you’ll be able to snag two free games. First up is Watch_Dogs, and while Watch Underscore Dogs didn’t live up to the visual hype (yes, I still hold a grudge) it’s a fun open-world game that you should give a chance.

And because Watch_Dogs is rated “M” for mature, the store is also offering up The Stanly Parable if you don’t want your kids hacking the planet as Generic McGeneric Face. The Stanly Parable is a first-person narrative adventure that should provide a number of laughs, something we all could probably use right now.

Both Watch_Dogs and The Stanley Parable are free until March 26.

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