Watch a Gatling gun-wielding Bear Man in the latest trailer for the Russian superhero epic ‘Guardians’

Marvel has proved that superhero films are big business. Since Iron Man hit theaters in 2008 the studio has been on a roll rarely ever seen before in Hollywood. Marvel Studios has such a stranglehold on the hero film genre that even DC Comics is playing serious catch up with regards to their tent-pole series.

“All I know is that any film that has a Gatling gun-wielding man bear is right up my alley.”

But now another player is entering the crowded superhero space and it’s coming from the last place you’d imagine –Russia. The project is called ‘Guardians’ and plays heavily on the themes of both The Avengers and Justice League. A team of superheros is brought together in modern day Russia to take on a threat from before the fall of the Soviet Union.

What is interesting is that Marvel technically already has a superhero group in their continuity based in the USSR called the ‘Soviet Super Soldiers’. I’m pretty sure nobody out there even remembers their limited series, but I sure do as issue #1 is hanging on my wall, as it was one of the first comics I can ever remember reading. That and Superman at Earth’s End, but I don’t have that one because it’s utter crap and makes the story in Batman v Superman look like a masterpiece.

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Guardians looks all sorts of crazy and we are glad that the film is getting a western release in 2017. All I know is that any film that has a Gatling gun-wielding man bear is right up my alley.

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