Watch Dogs 2 seamless multiplayer hits PS4 and Xbox One

The Watch Dogs 2 development team brought the first phase of seamless multiplayer online today for the PS4 and they plan on getting it launched for online for Xbox One overnight.

But just what does this seamless multiplayer “thing” mean for players? Well, you will now be able to experience the following multiplayer features via the “Multiplayer App” on the in-game smartphone:

  • Invite friends to co-op or search for new co-op partners
  • Hack into a rival hacker’s world
  • Find targets for Bounty Hunts or trigger a bounty on themselves

The development team will monitor the online stability of the seamless multiplayer features and should everything continue to run smoothly, the additional elements and final phase of seamless multiplayer will be deployed:

  • Nearby bounty targets and Prime_Eight rivals will join the player’s world for them to hunt down and hack without going through the Multiplayer App in the smartphone.
  • Players will also encounter friendly Dedsec hackers who can help them complete different Dedsec events throughout San Francisco.

I don’t play the game myself, but none of this really sounds all that special, or at least not something that should have to be added. Early reports indicated that the multiplayer parts of the game were causing serious issues with lag and crashes and that’s the reason they weren’t available at the games launch.

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I suppose one of these days Ubisoft will release a game that isn’t a complete buggy mess. The sales numbers for Watch Dogs 2 have seen an 80% drop from the original, so clearly something isn’t working.

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