Warcraft III Gets a Widescreen Update

Warcraft III

Aspect Ration: Enhance!

Well, there just so happens to be a PTR for Warcraft III. And that PTR just so happened to have a patch which added a bunch of new things to the game. And that patch is no longer a PTR thing; you can download it for the game proper right now.

One of the biggest changes is that the game can now run in widescreen format. It also adds bookends to the in-game interface, and black pillars in the menus. The full list of changes can be seen over on battle.net, and they are significant. That said, there are some downsides to the patch.

This will be the last version of Warcraft III that will support Windows XP. There are also some issues with the patch itself. They include some unexpectedly disabled features, as well as problems with getting the resolution to change properly. It’s driving Redditors up the wall, at least.

All that said, if you own the game, now might be a really good time to hop in to Warcraft III and play a bit. And hopefully, you don’t have any problems.

Source: PC Gamer

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