Want that new quest for Destiny? You’ll have to buy some Redbull then.

Destiny Redbull

Destiny has been… interesting to say the least for Bungie. Sure, fans are pretty excited about getting an expansion to the game, but less thrilled at the $40 price point. On top of that players will have to shell out even more to grab the collectors edition of the game if they want to grab some exclusive content, such as new emotes for the game. While this may be all well and good as a means to entice new players, it leaves veteran Destiny players up a creek without a paddle if they want the content. Oh, you’ve been a loyal player since launch? Sucks for you because you’ll have to but the collectors edition that includes all the DLC you’ve already purchased if you want this new content.

To make matters worse, in a move straight out of the Doritos’s and Mountain Dew debacle of some years back, Destiny players will be able to snag an all new quest for the game. I have to note that this isn’t some free download and go sort of thing to thank fans for everything, but instead it will require you to go out and buy specially marked can of Redbull to access said quest. These cans will also give your character an XP boost, because we all know the catch phrase, “Redbull gives you XP!” But what if you don’t care to chug overpriced sugar-water? Too bad, because the quest won’t be available to you without a can until January 2016!

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Things are really messy in the land of Destiny. It’s one thing to charge an arm and a leg for DLC (which isn’t out of this world if all the content is to be believed), but to restrict actual content from players unless they go out and by some random product is all sorts of insane. What’s next? Will we have to go buy a bag of Cheetos to earn entry into that next loot cave, or how about ordering a Whooper so we can equip some ridiculous bun gun. It’s time we started holding these companies accountable for their bullshit marketing tactics. It’s one thing to have ads on products and have silly tie-ins, but when I’m forced to go out and spend money on something I don’t want, support, or need, just to play my game, I get a little flustered.

Redbull quest

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