Wanking Simulator Review

Wanking Simulator

Well, I got sent Wanking Simulator. Probably because our dear editor-in-chief didn’t want it in his Steam library. So, let’s get into this, shall we?

I’ll start by saying that, even at the lowest settings, the game ran like crap on my potato. I don’t think I got past, like, 3fps. Shit was literally unplayable, but I’m used to that. After all, Wanking Simulator is made in Unity; it’s a crapshoot whether something made in Unity will run on my PC. I literally couldn’t play this game, but even if I could, I doubt I could even score it.

It’s absolutely in the vein of those” ____ Simulator” games. Which should probably tell you the level this is at. It is what it is, and it’s exactly what it says on the tin. That probably does more to influence you than anything I can write. It’s probably meant to be dumb fun; treat it as such.

So, fuck it; here’s a gallery of all the screenshots I took before completely giving up.

Almost half of my time playing Wanking Simulator was loading screens. That’s really all I’ve got to say about it.

Wanking Simulator is a game for which you already know whether it will be for you or not.

Final Score:
Coomer meme/5

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TITLE: Wanking Simulator
GENRE: Action, Adventure, Indie, Simulation
PUBLISHER: Ultimate Games S.A.
RELEASE DATE: Mar 19, 2020

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