Walmart Cancels SNES Classic Prorders

snes classic

“A glitch in time screwed mine”

It’s hard not to be excited about the SNES Classic. Aside from the fact that it’s definitely pleasing to see something from Nintendo’s golden age again, how else are you going to get a completed version of Star Fox 2? So, when Walmart suddenly opened pre-orders on July 21, everyone who knew about it jumped on the opportunity.

The problem? That, according to Walmart’s Senior Director of Customer Care Deserie Dulaney, was the result of a glitch in Wallyworld’s system. As per her email to the now burned pre-order customers:

“Unfortunately, due to a technical glitch, the Super Nintendo Classic Edition was mistakenly made available last Friday evening ahead of the official release date…”

“We, regrettably, will have to cancel this item on your order. We know that this is incredibly disappointing to you, and we’re truly sorry for this mistake.”

Well, easy come, easy go, guys. Still, being among the first to crack that sucker open on launch would’ve been a hell of a thing. At least all pre-orders are being refunded in full. And you’ll get the rush of pre-ordering the SNES Classic all over again… whenever that actually happens.

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