Vixen Episode 1

So, DC’s Vixen is a thing. And it’s happening primarily on CW’s Seed app, which I’d never heard of until I was told about it. It really just seems to contain episodes of Whose Line Is It Anyway, several older shows to which they own the rights, and… some shit I’ve never even heard of.

If by "play it again" you meant "never ever watch in the first place", then mission accomplished!
If by “play it again” you meant “never ever watch in the first place”, then mission accomplished!

This show, however, is pretty obviously meant to test the waters. It’s six episodes of about five minutes each, it’s animated, and they got all of their supposed live action primaries to voice their roles. Which is important, as Vixen is supposed to show up on The Flash/The Arrow at some point this season. Possibly.

Honestly, the show seems well animated. It’s just so short that it’s really hard to get a read on anything. And considering the fact that I’m not really “Mr. DC” or anything, that’s likely to be their stumbling block. I’d never heard of her before, and unless they really step on the gas in the next few episodes, a lot of their potential audience will be left scratching their heads.

Tigers are my spirit animal, Not-Dad! Gosh!
Tigers are my spirit animal, Not-Dad! Gosh!

It starts in media res, with Vixen fighting off The Arrow and The Flash for no readily apparent reason, and then she falls off the building they’re fighting on. But don’t worry! She lands in a flashback to three days ago. One in which she’s in a jail cell, and has just made bail. Also, the guard apparently can’t read a calendar, because he offers to buy Mari’s family heirloom necklace for fifty dollars since he forgot his wife’s birthday.

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"One Timex digital watch; broken, one unused prophylactic, one... soiled. Boots; black, belt; black, one black suit jacket, one pair of black suit pants, one hat; black, one pair of sunglasses, 23 dollars and seven cents. Sign here."
“One Timex digital watch: broken, one unused prophylactic, one… soiled. Boots: black, belt: black, one black suit jacket, one pair of black suit pants, one hat: black, one pair of sunglasses, 23 dollars and seven cents. Sign here.”

Her foster to the Nth power father sprung her and takes her to a diner. She tells him that the reason she ended up in jail was due to the fact that her interview for a large fashion designer went poorly. Coincidentally, pens just happen to be sharp enough to pierce the human hand! Who knew?

As they’re walking back to Not-Dad’s home, they’re attacked by muggers. Which really shouldn’t be a surprise, as they’re in Detroit after nightfall. But they don’t seem to want Not-Dad’s fifty eight dollars, they just want her necklace. The episode ends with Not-Dad on the floor after a gut punch, and gun wielding muggers advancing on Mari.

Final Thoughts:

  • You have no idea how many reindeer jokes I stopped myself from making.
  • Not-Dad has a name but I’m having more fun calling him Not-Dad.
  • The guard sent the muggers! That’s why they didn’t want Not-Dad’s money! Conspiracy!
  • Did I mention that while CW Seed’s video is fairly clear, their audio sounds like it was recorded with potato technology?

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