Veep review: “The Choice”

It’s hard to tell what the titular choice is on Veep – on the surface, it’s whether Selina should posit herself as a pro-life or pro-choice candidate, but I think it might also refer to her choice of campaign manager, because both of Selina’s top candidates are in pretty poor form tonight. Dan in particular looks like he’s about to snap – he throws up all night on the Coast Guard boat, explodes at Selina, and then physically threatens Jonah, even going so far as to shove a burrito in Jonah’s mouth (leading to my favorite line of the night, from Jonah: “Joke’s on you, cause I fuckin’ love burritos!”).

“The Choice” wasn’t as fast-paced or as whip-smart as previous installments of Veep, which was problematic for me, because two qualities are this show’s trademark. It was more of a place-setting episode, a necessary evil for any TV show. Gary wants a more substantial role on Selina’s team, and for a while it looks like he’s going to get one, but the episode ends with her telling him “You will always be my body man.” Mike is good at being on honeymoon but bad at pretty much everything else. Dan and Amy are competitive. So, okay, not a lot of place-setting, because everyone is in the place that they’ve been in since this show began, but that’s okay because Veep is usually so damn good.

READ:  Veep review: "Detroit"

The only character with real forward momentum on “The Choice” is Jonah, who tells Mike he’s starting a consulting firm hilariously called Ryantology. He gets booked on MSNBC as a talking head, but clams up almost immediately, so the promise of Ryantology isn’t really delivered on.

That’s my main problem with “The Choice” – nothing really happens. And that’s okay, sometimes, but when the only sign that you’re serious about your presidential campaign is that you’ve leased a shitty office in Maryland, that’s a problem.

A Few Thoughts

– I really liked Kelly from Maryland, with her outdated camera. “There’s no way this does video.”

– I like Kent’s weird obsession with Sue too. “Nice dress.” “It’s a skirt and top.” “Even better!”

– I want to register as a member of the I Don’t Give a Shit Party! Oh wait, I guess that would mean I give a shit

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