(UPDATE) Vanilla ‘Destiny’ Is Listed As Free On Xbox One & 360

Destiny Free

Destiny is currently listed as “free” on the Xbox Live Marketplace, and has been so for the past several hours leading us to believe this isn’t just some fluke.

As this is the vanilla version of the experience, you won’t get access to all the expansion and DLC content that the game has released, but there is still a lot of game to experience.

The listing shows that Destiny does support in game purchases so we can assume that this is in reference to the microstranaction currency that Destiny uses.

Destiny Free

This currency is used to buy all sorts of little things in game such as emotes, cosmetic items and the like, but it isn’t needed to play or complete the main portion of the game.

This “free” version of Destiny seems to only be on the Xbox Marketplace, so all you PlayStation Network people are out of luck. That being said, it would only make sense for Bungie to make the vanilla version free on that platform as well.

We are currently downloading the game as we write this to find out if this is the real deal or not. You can find it on the Xbox Marketplace here: http://bit.ly/2bvCk0W

UPDATE: Seems like this was too good to be true after all. It looks like the marketplace was showing the listing incorrectly for a few hours as “Free” when in fact it should been reading “Free Trial”. Here is what the Destiny forums are saying:

The original Destiny adventure may appear to be free on some digital console marketplaces.

While players may download the Destiny base game, they will only be granted access to the Destiny Trial Mode for free. If players wish to progress through the original Destiny adventure via digital download, they will be required to purchase Destiny – The Collection to gain access to this content.


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