Uwe Boll has meltdown because people don’t love him & didn’t fund his latest shit film

Uwe Boll

Uwe Boll, director of terrible video game movie adaptations that would make even Roger Corman wince is back in the news again today. Not content with no longer making shit films on his own dime (and that of the German government) has decided to head to Kickstarter to ask for support.

Seems like a good enough ideas as a number of film projects have successfully found new light via the various crowdfunding outlets. Still, things didn’t quite go as planned as Mr. Boll didn’t find the support he thought he would (his film’s ticket sales should have alerted him of this possible fact).

After already coming away from failed Kickstarter and Indiegogo campaigns, the (hack) director figured that the third time out would be his lucky day. Just four days shy of the campaigns end, and nowhere close to reaching his funding goal, Uwe Bool lashed out at fans, the crowdfunding community, Marvel, and retarded forest visits (his words not mine).

Check out the videos below and watch as a grown adult goes mad because people don’t love him.

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