Use You Phone As A Lightsaber In This Chrome Experiment

Chrome Experiment Lightsaber Escape

Sta Wars, Star Wars, Star Wars. Okay, I know most people (myself included) are getting pretty sick of the marketing blitz that is going on right now, but this one is pretty cool. Google has put together a Chrome Experiment (works in other browsers) with help from Lucasfulm and Industrial Light & Magic that lets you wield a Lightsaber using your phone and browser.

The experiment uses WebGL fro the graphics and WebSocket to allow real-time communication between the game and your smartphone. It’s a neat little experiment that is the closest to wielding a virtual Lightsaber in an official capacity.  Back when the Nintendo Wii came out this is what many of us where wanting, but never got.

The Chrome Experiment “Lightsaber Escape” is currently up and running. All you need to do is head over to the website ( and then open up the web browser on your smartphone and type in the unique code the website gives you. This connects both and turns your smartphone into the handle of a Lightsaber.

Chrome Experiment Lightsaber Escape

Via: (Engadget)

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