US Congressman Indicted For Spending Part of Campaign Funds on Personal Expenses, Such As Steam Games


I’m sure he’s very serious about game time.

US Congressman Duncan Hunter of California and his wife Margaret have been indicted over misuse of campaign funds. However, among the hotel stays, the flights, movie tickets and golf is one set of expenses that pique interest. Apparently, Hunter spent $1,300 on Steam games. Which, per the San Diego Tribune, he labelled as “PERSONAL EXPENSE – TO BE PAID BACK”. He never really got around to paying back.


Now, I’m sure he’ll skate on this. I mean, all he has to do is explain how Steam offers unbelievable discounts, especially during a sale. How could he resist adding $1,300 worth of games he’ll probably never play to his library?

But seriously, according to Kotaku, charges were made to Steam 68 separate times in 2015. The congressman contends that it was his son’s doing, that his son swiped his credit card and made the charges. His spokesman maintains that Hunter’s son took the card for a single transaction, and then a bunch of unauthorized charges happened afterwards.

If that was true, though, it sure as hell doesn’t explain all of the other charges. Hell, Margaret Hunter spent over $270 at Best Buy on a gaming keyboard and mouse in 2016. She do that for the son that totally swiped his Dad’s card and blew $1,300 on Steam, in turn making them look bad when the piper came due? I kinda doubt it; if I’d pulled that stunt as a kid, I would’ve gotten all of jack and shit for years.

READ:  Valve's Fee for Steam Direct; Curator Changes

So our only real believable line of reasoning is that Duncan and Margaret Hunter are super into PC gaming. Or, they’re dumb enough to blow shitloads of money on Steam, and other things, and think it was all free money. Either way, we’ll find out soon. They’re scheduled to appear in federal court in San Diego today for their formal arraignment.


What a fucking douche nozzle.

Source:  IGN

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