Unravel 2 Sports a 10 Hour Free Trial

Unravel 2

Through Origin.

Remember how Unravel 2 was one of the few things EA had to show that got me to sit up in my seat a bit? Well, they’re sweetening the pot. Because much like its predecessor, Unravel 2 has a 10 hour free trial for you to play.

That said, they’re not giving the game away for free, there. It’s locked in to only the first two chapters of the game. That said, the timer only counts down when you’re actually playing, so you’re getting that free trial’s worth out of it. Also, your saved game progress carries over if you buy the game.

So you get a pretty good chance to see if the game will stick to you. The free trial of Unravel 2 is, however, only available for a limited time. You have until July 30th to give the game a try, though, which is plenty of time.

Source: PC Gamer

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