Unearthed E.T. cartidges headed to auction

When the E.T game came out for Atari in 1982, it was such a piece of shit that it almost killed the video game industry singlehandedly, and subsequently it was decided that all remaining cartridges would be buried in a landfill in New Mexico (today that same treatment should be applied to Duke Nukem Forever). Back in April, the cartridges were unearthed, and if you have way too much money on your hands, and an almost dangerous level of nostalgia, one of them could be yours!

Engadget reports:

The carts that will be commanding the most money will clearly be the 171 copies of E.T. that were unearthed, but titles like Centipede, Missile Command and Asteroids have also been dug up. There are still over 700,000 games buried the in landfill outside of Alamogordo, NM, but they’ll stay there… for now. The hole has been refilled, and the cartridges going on sale will be priced to reflect their rarity. Of course, if the city decides it needs more cash, that could always change.

Uproxx adds that some of the cartridges are headed to the Smithsonian, which means that E.T. is such a pile of shit that it’s literally historical.

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