Ubisoft Now Sells Helmet NFTs Called Digits


See, I could understand if it was the Nymphs from Rayman

Hey, guess what?! Ubisoft now sells NFTs!

Yeah! They’re mostly ugly helmets with a 4-digit number on them. as they put it:

Be Unique. Control. Play. The Beta of Ubisoft Quartz, the first playable NFTs designed by the Ubisoft Strategic Innovation lab, is coming to Ghost Recon Breakpoint!

NFTs: Horse Armor


The first of Ubisoft’s games to get this treatment is Ghost Recon: Breakpoint, which will get limited runs of these “digits”; equipment with these 4 number codes on them. Oh, and they’ll forever have a list of their previous owners if you sell them. I like how we’ve reached some sort of The Scarlet Letter point with this scam, completely unironically. At least they’ve addressed the energy consumption concern, I guess?

Also, a friendly reminder: nobody wants stolen apes.

Source: @joshuamartian on Twitter

Source: PC Gamer

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