Tyrant review: “Hail Mary”

Allow me, if you will, to quote something I wrote in my review of the last episode of Game of Thrones:

This is going to be a depressing week for Trevor, because Game of Thrones, Louie, and Fargo are all ending fantastic seasons. Then I’m stuck with goddamn summer TV. Tyrant better be good.

Haha! If I knew then what I know now, right? To be fair, “Hail Mary” was a better episode than last week’s “Sins of the Father,” but “good” and “good for Tyrant” are not the same thing.

The most frustrating thing about “Hail Mary” was, I guess, its very nature: the whole thing was a 42-minute narrative stall. It built upon the events of “Sins of the Father,” but ultimately it was just part two of what I’ll call the Plaza Trilogy. “Hail Mary” was all about the plaza tonight, and nothing really changed since last week. Tariq still wants to send in his soldiers, and Barry still wants to resolve things peacefully. Hell, I could probably just block-quote last week’s review and call it a day.

Barry decides not to meet with Ihab Rashid, because he knows there’s no way that Ihab will negotiate. Rather, John Tucker sets up a meeting with Ihab’s father, the exiled Sheik Rashid, who dresses like a Jedi.

Pictured, from left to right: Jedi Knight, Bassam Al Fayeed

In fact, everyone’s clothes stood out to me tonight, and not in a good way. Tariq and Ihab only own one outfit each, all of Molly’s dresses look like nightgowns, John Tucker dresses like Harrison on Scandal, and Jamal wears a military coat that we’ve never seen before with a whole shit ton of medals on it. Maybe I am getting too nit-picky about this show.

Molly actually gets something to do tonight, as she goes to help her maid’s brother, whose arm was broken in the plaza and can’t go to the hospital. She calls an ambulance anyway, and introduces herself as “Dr. Molly Al Fayeed” to make sure the EMTs comply. This comes off the heels of a scene where she accuses Barry of getting off on having the power come with his name. Molly’s subplot isn’t overly consequential, but it’s nice to see her given something to do besides spout platitudes at Barry.

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Nusrat’s father Hakim comes to ask Jamal and Leila if they will allow Nusrat to divorce Ahmed. This goes about as well as one could reasonably expect, but Jamal comes roaring back to life, and Ashraf Barhom shows more energy and menace than he has since the premiere. Still doesn’t know how to drink scotch, though – that is not a liquor you take shots of, Tyrant. Get your shit together.

Look at all of Jamal’s medals. I can’t tell you how much this bugged me.

Ultimately, the Sheik shows up to the plaza, a word I am getting really tired of typing. He demands to meet with Jamal. Jamal tells Tariq to have the troops stand down, and Tariq acts indignant and outraged. Tariq, pull your head out of your ass: Jamal has never taken your advice when it contradicts Barry’s. So long, narrative tension.

There were flashes of a good show in “Hail Mary,” but Tyrant has a lot to make up for. And it’s only five episodes in! But there was no Sam or Emma this week, so that’s already an improvement.

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