Best part? One of those streams was just porn.
Ninja made a big departure earlier this month; he left Twitch to stream exclusively on Mixer. Twitch’s response was, on the surface, amicable. But over the weekend, they decided to start using his channel to promote other streamers. Which, you know, might not send the right message to Twitch’s potential userbase.
But it gets better. Because one of the streams they were promoting front and center was a porn stream. Which meshes really well with Ninja’s traditionally younger demographic.

Ninja took to twitter to call out the usage of his channel as “disgusting”. Can’t exactly blame him.
The channel has since been reverted to its previous state, though there is question as to how long it will remain, given Blevins’ attempts to get it taken down entirely. For their part in this, Twitch CEO Emmett Shear has already apologized to Blevins for the mishap, as well as offer the following statement via Twitter:
Our community comes to Twitch looking for live content. To help ensure they find great, live channels we’ve been experimenting with showing recommended content across Twitch, including on streamer’s pages that are offline.
This helps all streamers as it creates new community connections. However, the lewd content that appeared on the
@ninja offline channel page grossly violates our terms of service, and we’ve permanently suspended the account in question.We have also suspended these recommendations while we investigate how this content came to be promoted.
On a more personal note, I apologize want to apologize directly to
@ninja that this happened. It wasn’t our intent, but it should not have happened. No excuses.
Regardless, the move to Mixer has otherwise worked out for Ninja. He pretty much sailed past the 1 million subscriber mark. There’s just always gotta be a thing, though, right?
Source: Gamespot