Twin-Stick Half-Life Fan Game Gets Steam Release With Valve’s Blessing


The right man in the wrong place can make all the Smash TV in the world.

Over on ModDB, PinkyDev unveiled a very special Half-Life project. Dubbed Codename: Loop, the game is a top-down twin-stick shooter spinoff of Half-Life. That’s not all, though; Valve was clearly impressed, giving the game their blessing and promising a Steam release in the future.

Codename: Loop is capable of working with the original game’s BSP file format, which lets it use GoldSrc engine assets; this allows it to keep the appearance of the original game flawlessly, despite being made in Unity. It also supports an over-the-shoulder perspective, and even loops (heh) back around to an FPS perspective for anyone that wants to create levels for it.

Perhaps the most remarkable thing is how well Half-Life adapts to a twin-stick format. A gameplay video (below) from a year ago really shows just how faithful Loop is to the original game.

As PinkieDev puts it, Codename: Loop was originally developed to be a Half-Life Roguelike. While that ambition is still there, it was put on hold to create a linear campaign and expand the game’s support for modders. Right now, though, there is no planned release date, and its Steam hub is currently not up. So, your best bet is to follow the ModDB page.

Source: PC Gamer

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