The Turing Test E3 impressions

The Turing Test E3

Miles and I got the opportunity to give The Turing Test a spin. No, not that Turing test, though I’m pretty sure we’d both pass… pretty sure.

We got to play through several of the games puzzles, each as maddeningly difficult as the rest; the players ahead of us gave up far sooner than we did, and at much earlier puzzles. The game is downright Portal-esque in the way you have to bend the rules to get to the end of a given puzzle.

I got very little in the way of the story, other than the fact that you’re wandering through a presumably abandoned arctic base. Also, your gun doesn’t shoot bullets, but rather absorbs and injects energy into various consoles. That is a necessary ability, as nearly every puzzle we played revolved around finding a way to get energy from one panel to another to open a given door. And it’s almost never obvious just what you need to do.

I’d certainly be interested in seeing more of the game someday, if only to figure out just what the story is. Also what it has to do with the Turing test. And whether it can process complex human emotions like love.

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