TriggerKing PS3 Hair Triggers


The eSports phenomenon has exploded in the past few years, and where once it was dominated by people sitting behind a computer, it has since opened up with the advent of consoles like the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. With first-person shooters now dominating the console competitive field getting any advantage is key to that ever elusive kill-streak.

That’s where TriggerKing comes into play with their fully adjustable hair triggers for the Playstation 3. The main draw of these little guys is that they snap on right over your L2 and R2 triggers providing a number of benefits. This combo pack comes with two sets of triggers: a set of numbs and a set with actual triggers. They snap on relatively easy and come with a mini hex wrench to adjust the tension to your liking.


For me, these triggers are a life saver when it comes to my DualShock 3. You see, while I think the DualShock is the best laid out and most comfortable controller ever, it does comes with one really annoying flaw -the L2 and R2 triggers slope in toward the controller. For many this may not be much of an issue, but for someone like myself I find my fingers often slipping off during intense gaming sessions. Not so much a big deal in a single player game, but when in any sort of competitive setting, this can be the difference between a win and a loss.

For that alone I can recommend the TriggerKing PS3 Combo Pack, but it does benefit those gamers looking to get the fraction of a second edge when playing online. The longer triggers in the pack especially help when it comes to any FPS game. The feeling of pulling on a trigger is one that makes the experience of any FPS a lot more fun, but it’s the adjustments you can make to the triggers that is the game changer.

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After clipping on your preferred triggers you can make hair adjustments via the hex key. Tighten the screw on each numb and you slowly reduce the distance that the trigger has to travel before making contact. This may not be a big deal to most, but it’s a huge deal for an online FPS when a fraction of  a second means the difference between a win or loss. If you took a PS3 controller and one with the TriggerKing and pressed both at the same time, the one adjusted with the TriggerKing triggers would fire first. The difference between these two presses would continue to expand depending on the sensitivity that you chose while adjusting.

For most of you out there this isn’t that big a deal, but if you want the edge in an online shooter you really can’t pass on at least giving the TriggerKing PS3 Triggers a chance.  While the trigger nubs look cool, I’m not all that big of an online gamer, –see most of my reviews railing against it– but having the smaller trigger numbs and slope out make playing games a lot more enjoyable, and the triggers are extremely comfortable.


You can pick up an individual set for $12.95 which may feel a tad bit high for some pieces of plastic, but if you choose the Combo Pack that comes with both sets you’ll only be playing $19.95, and that’s a much better deal to outfit two sets of DualShock Controllers.

You can pick up your own set at the TriggerKing website:

*A unit was provided for review*

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